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The Heritage Approach
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The Heritage Approach
Prof. Gregory Ashworth
Eesti Kunstiakadeemia
Muinsuskaitse ja restaureerimise osakond
Suur-Kloostri 11, Tallinn, ruum 104
Registreerimine on läbi
Structure of the workshop
A morning core lecture followed by direct question/answer session around the lecture itself. In the afternoon a different format – a series of four ‘seminars’ on ‘Cases and Issues’. I will take different types of heritage and present a short example. Then the students, having read some material will be expected to discuss the issues raised, the literature about these issues and suggest examples known to them from Estonia and elsewhere.
Monday, 7 March
10.00 lecture “From history to heritage”
14.00 seminar: “Exclave/enclave heritage (The case of Dutch colonial Banding)”
Tuesday, 8 March
10.00 lecture “How did we get here? The history of heritage paradigms”
14.00 seminar “Changing heritage for changing ideologies (The case of ‘Palast der Republik’ Berlin)”
Wednesday, 9 March
10.00 Excursion/field visits. The students will organise
a heritage trail, in the inner city of Tallinn. Selecting and interpreting what they think is significant and taking me around as a foreigner with little knowledge of the sites. Students’ selections and interpretations can then be discussed.
17.00 Public lecture: “Do tourists destroy the heritage they have come to experience?”
Thursday, 10 March
10.00 lecture “The uses of heritage”
14.00 seminar “Unclaimed heritage (War cemeteries of Galicia)”
Friday, 11 March
10.00 lecture “Dissonance and conflict”
14.00 seminar: “Uncomfortable heritage (Tsaritsyn /Stalingrad /Volgograd?)”
Soovituslik on tutvuda alljärgnevate raamatutega, mida saab lugeda Eesti Kunstiakadeemia muinsuskaitse ja restaureerimise osakonna erialaraamatukogus (kontakt: Krista Laido krista.laido@artun.ee; Suur-Kloostri 11, Tallinn):
G.J. Ashworth, P. Horward, European Heritage. London, Pluto Press, 2007.
G.J. Ashworth, B. Graham, J.E. Tunbridge, European Heritage Planning and Management. Exeter, Intellect, 2010. (kordustrükk 1999.a. raamatust)
B. Gragham, G.J. Ashwoth, J.E. Tunbridge, A Geography of heritage: power, culture and economy. London, Arnold, 2000.
Gregory Ashworth
Educated Universities of Cambridge, Reading and London (PhD. 1974).
Taught at Universities of Wales, Portsmouth and since 1979 Groningen.
Since 1994, Professor of heritage management and urban tourism in the Department of Planning, Faculty of Spatial Sciences, University of Groningen (NL). Visiting Professor, Institute of Conservation, University of Gothenburg, Sweden. Honorary doctorate University of Brighton, 2009.
Main research interests include heritage management [‘Tourist-Historic City’ (Wiley, 1990); ‘Heritage Planning’ (Geopers) 1992; ‘Dissonant Heritage’ (Wiley, 1996); ‘European heritage planning and management’ (Intellect, 2001); ‘A geography of Heritage’ (Arnold, 2001); ‘Construction of built heritage’ Ashgate 2001: ‘Senses of place: senses of time (Ashgate) 2005); ‘Pluralisng pasts’ (Pluto 2007)]: tourism planning [‘Marketing in the tourism industry’ (Croom Helm, 1984); ‘Marketing tourism places’ (Routledge, 1990); ‘Tourism and spatial transformation’ (CABI, 1996); Horror and human tragedy revisited (Intellect, 2005)]: and place marketing [‘Selling the City’
(Wiley, 1990), Towards effective place brand management (Elgar, 2010)].