
10th Winter School: Prof. Dominique Cardon (Sciences Po, Paris) „Society2Vec: From Categorical Prediction to Behavioral Traces“

10th Winter School: Discussion with Prof. Dominique Cardon (Sciences Po, Paris) and Prof. Marek Tamm (Tallinn University)

10th Winter School: Prof. Jussi Parikka (University of Southampton) „Invisibility and Invisuality: Images in Digital Arts/Culture“

10th Winter School: Discussion with Prof. Jussi Parikka (University of Southampton) and Prof. Indrek Ibrus (Tallinn University)

10th Winter School: Prof. David Berry (University of Sussex) „Explainability and the Digital Condition“

10th Winter School: Discussion with Prof. David Berry (University of Sussex) and Prof. Ulrike Rohn (Tallinn University)

10th Winter School: Prof. Lina Dencik (Cardiff University) „Situating Data Politics: From Ethics to Justice“

10th Winter School: Discussion with Prof. Lina Dencik (Cardiff University) and Prof. Katrin Tiidenberg (Tallinn University)

10th Winter School: Prof. N. Katherine Hayles (University of California, Los Angeles) „Beyond Consciousness: Reconceiving Meaning in the Computational Era“

10th Winter School: Discussion with Prof. N. Katherine Hayles (University of California, Los Angeles) and Prof. Kalevi Kull (University of Tartu)

10th Winter School: Prof. Lev Manovich (City University of New York) „How to Predict Culture in 2050?“

10th Winter School: Discussion with Prof. Lev Manovich (City University of New York) and Prof. Maximilian Schich (Tallinn University)

10th Winter School: Roundtable discussion: “Digital materialities” with Prof. Aro Velmet (University of Southern California) and Prof. David Berry (University of Sussex), Prof. Lina Dencik (Cardiff University), Prof. Jussi Parikka (University of Southampton)

KTKDK 8.talvekool: Dr. Timotheus Vermeulen (University of Oslo), "Metamodernism and posthumanism"

KTKDK 8. talvekool: Prof. Stefan Lorenz Sorgner (John Cabot University in Rome), “A posthuman future of the humanities”

KTKDK 8.talvekool: Dr. Zoltán Boldizsár Simon (Bielefeld University), “Two cultures of the posthuman future”

KTKDK 8. talvekool: Prof. Sverker Sörlin (KTH Royal Institute of Technology), “Making sense of the environmental humanities: Emerging histories of the human-earth relationship”

KTKDK 8. talvekool: Dr. Thomas Schwarz Wentzer (Aarhus University), “We humans: Who is the Anthropos in ‘Anthropocene’?”

KTKDK 8. talvekool: Prof. Ewa Domanska (Adam Mickiewicz University at Poznan and Stanford University), “Unbecoming human: Merging humanities and soil science”

KTKDK 8. talvekool: Roundtable discussion: Artificial intelligence – opportunity or threat? (Prof. Steve Fuller (University of Warwick), Prof. Stefan Lorenz Sorgner (John Cabot University of Rome). Moderated by Prof. Kristjan Port (Tallinn University))

KTKDK 8. talvekool: Prof. Steve Fuller (University of Warwick), “The fork on the road for Humanity 2.0”

Talvekool 2018 5. päev: Prof. Gregory Alles (McDaniel College) "Religious ‘Facts’ and Facts about ‘Religions’: Factuality as a Problem in Studying Religions"

Talvekool 2018 5. päev: Prof. Ernst van Alphen (Leiden University) "The Affective Turn: The Implosion of Meaning, the Explosion of Information, and the Release of Affects"

Talvekool 2018 4. päev: Prof. Ewa Dąbrowska (University of Birmingham) "You Can not Teach an Old Dog New Tricks – or Can You? Age Effects in Second Language Learning"

Talvekool 2018 2. päev: Prof. Paul Hoyningen-Huene (University of Hannover, University of Zurich) "The Human Sciences between Quantification and Hermeneutics"

Talvekool 2018 1. päev: Assoc. Prof. Ann Komaromi (University of Toronto) "The Circulation of Trash in Art and Social Networks"

Talvekool 2018 1. päev: Prof. Annika Rabo (Stockholm University) "Anthropological Methods and an Analysis of Memory: Migration, Past and Present in Raqqa Province, Syria"

Ann Rigney "Imagination, Materiality, and the Remaking of Memory", intensive seminar "Transcultural Memorial Forms: Contemporary Remembrance of War, Displacement and Political Rupture"

Michael Rothberg " Inheritance Trouble Migration and Transcultural Holocaust Memory in Contemporary Germany", intensive seminar "Transcultural Memorial Forms: Contemporary Remembrance of War, Displacement and Political Rupture"

Winter school 2017 Day 1 Dr. Timothy LeCain "The matter of humans: putting nature back into culture through the environmental humanities"

Winter school 2017 Day 1 Dr. Dolly Jørgensen "Making a user turn in the environmental humanities"

Winter school 2017 Day 2 Prof. David Moon "Place and nature in Russian environmental history"

Winter school 2017 Day 2 Prof. Gregg Mitman "Parasites of capital: tales of ecology and disease in a neoliberal age"

Winter school 2017 Day 3 Prof. Kate Soper "The Humanities and the Environment: Nature, Culture and the Politics of Consumption"

Winter school 2017 Day 3 Prof. Harriet Hawkins "Creating Earth futures? GeoHumanities and geographical imaginations of global environmental change"

Winter school 2017 Day 5 Dr. Jamie Lorimer "What is the wild, and who decides? Rewilding and the futures of nature conservation"

Winter school 2017 Day 5 Dr. Bronislaw Szerszynski "Earthly powers: situating the human within the deep past, deep present and deep future of our planet"
