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Talvekool Circulation and Collaboration: Perspectives for/in Interdisciplinarity”

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Pärtel PiirimäeCirculation and Collaboration: Perspectives for/in Interdisciplinarity
Degree course co-sponsored by the Estonian Graduate School of Culture Studies and Arts (GSCSA) and the Centre of Excellence in Cultural Theory (CECT)

University of Tartu, Estonia
February 2–6, 2015
4–6 ECTS credits

The Fifth Winter School of GSCSA invites you to explore and theorise circulation and collaboration which form essential aspects of scholarly, cultural or social activities. The conception of circulation in global transformations suggests an innovative approach to examine the stakes and implications of circulation, one of the overarching conditions of the increasingly integrated and interconnected world of the 21st century. Today we witness a growth of networks, of new infrastructures and channels that circulate knowledge, information and culture at previously unthinkable speeds, ranges and intensities. This calls for a renewed interest in how cultural forms and expressions are produced, retained, contested or consumed via these new circuits. We should consider how meanings are constituted and codified in the complexity of circulation as well as what is the relationship between cultural circulation and politics. Circulation presents an inspiring theme for interdisciplinary conversations in the humanities and social sciences as it reflects on the human condition, its constraints and its potential for creativity. The process of circulation is related to potential cooperation, or its subversion, a subject that requires further critical thinking. At the same time, with the new millennium has come along conceptual innovation, cross-disciplinary theorising, and vanguard technologies, which point to new theoretical and methodological spaces in which to explore collaboration. Such an approach clearly evokes wide-ranging prospects for interdisciplinarity in research.

The programme of the winter school consists of: 1) interdisciplinary lectures and discussions conducted by Estonian and guest lecturers; 2) seminars in smaller groups (previous preparatory work is expected); 3) one day of specialised and practical workshops outside the customary classroom environment.

All seminars and workshops require previous registration. Workshops have a quota of participants! Lectures are open to public.

Winter School lecturers include: Prof. Penelope Harvey (University of Manchester), Prof. Martin Stokes (King’s College London), Prof. Regina F. Benix (University of Göttingen), Prof. Matti Sintonen(University of Helsinki), Prof. Thomas A. DuBois (University of Wisconsin-Madison), Prof.Lars Elleström (Linnæus University), Ass. Prof. Alexei Yurchak (University of California, Berkeley), Ass. Prof. Pärtel Piirimäe (University of Tartu).

Practical workshop facilitators include: Monika Tasa (University of Tartu), Dr. Laura Siragusa (University of Aberdeen), Katre Pärn(University of Tartu), Ass. Prof. Ass. Prof. Indrek Ibrus (Tallinn University), Dr. Stavroula Pipyrou (University of St Andrews), Dr. Daniel M. Knight (Durham University).


02.02, Monday

9:15 coffee and registration – Jakobi 2 lobby

10:00–10:10 opening words (Jakobi 2-226)
Prof. Kristin Kuutma, Programme Director of the Winter School

10:10–10:55 public lecture (Jakobi 2-226)
Prof. Penelope Harvey (University of Manchester) “Political Materials: the Potent Vitality of Stone and Concrete“
10:55–11:25 discussion, moderator Dr. Toomas Gross

11:25–11:55 coffee break – Jakobi 2 lobby

11:55–12:40 public lecture (Jakobi 2-226)
Prof. Martin Stokes (King’s College London) “What is the Sentimental Voice?“
12:40–13:10 discussion, moderator Dr. Žanna Pärtlas

13:10–14:30 lunch (registered participants only)

14:30–16:30 parallel seminars (registered students only)
Group 1:Penelope Harvey(Jakobi 2-114) “Material Politics – Non-human Agency, Vital Matter, Deadly Forces, other than Human Powers“. List of registered students.
Group 2: Martin Stokes (Jakobi 2-130) “Ethnomusicology and Post-humanism“. List of registered students

18:00 reception White Hall of History Museum (Lossi 25) (registered participants only)

03.02, Tuesday

9:30–10:00 wake up coffee and registration – Jakobi 2 lobby

10:00–10:45 public lecture (Jakobi 2-226)
Prof. Regina F. Bendix (University of Göttingen) “Zones, Boundaries, Communities? The (Im-)Possibilities of Interdisciplinarity as Scholarly Practice“
10:45–11:15 discussion, moderator Prof. Kristin Kuutma

11:15–11:45 coffee break – Jakobi 2 lobby

11:45–12:30 public lecture (Jakobi 2-226)
Prof. Matti Sintonen (University of Helsinki) “Interdisciplinarity – The What, the How, and the Why?“
12:30–13:00 discussion, moderator Prof. Margit Sutrop

13:00–14:30 lunch (registered participants only)

14:30–16:30 parallel seminars (registered students only)
Group 1: Regina F. Bendix (Jakobi 2-114) “The Cultural Practices of (Interdisciplinary) Knowledge Making”. List of registered students.
Group 2: Matti Sintonen(Jakobi 2-130) “Interdisciplinarity for the Humanities”. List of registered students

18:00 dinner / Winter School club (registered participants only). Estonian Printing Museum, Kastani 42

04.02, Wednesday

Practical workshops (registered students only):

10:00 Workshop 1 “How Am I Ever Going to Explain This? Searching for Impact: Making Qualitative Research Visible and Approachable”. Tartu Loodusmaja, Lille 10. List of registered students.

10:00 Workshop 2 “Graduate Students’ Publishing Workshop“. Tartu Centre for Creative Industries, Kalevi 13. List of registered students

10:00 Workshop 3 “Digital Humanities: Data and Metadata from a Semiotic Perspective“ St. Anthony’s guild-hall, Lutsu 3. List of registered students

10:00 Workshop 4 “Ethics, Morality and Interdisciplinarity”. St. Anthony’s seminar room, Lutsu 3. List of registered students

05.02, Thursday

9:30–10:00 wake up coffee and registration – Jakobi 2 lobby

10:00–10:45 public lecture (Jakobi 2-226)
Prof. Thomas A. DuBois (University of Wisconsin-Madison) “Engaged Research and Ojibwe Traditions: Canoes, Snow Snakes, and Digital Design”
10:45–11:15 discussion, moderator Dr. Laur Vallikivi

11:15–11:45 coffee break – Jakobi 2 lobby

11:45–12:30 public lecture (Jakobi 2-226)
Prof. Lars Elleström (Linnæus University) “A Medium-Centered Model of Old and New Communication Forms”
12:30–13:00 discussion, moderator Ass. Prof. Marina Grišakova

13:00–14:30 lunch (registered participants only)

14:30–16:30 parallel seminars (registered students only)
Group 1: Thomas A. DuBois (Jakobi 2-114) “Indigenous Internet”. List of registered students.
Group 2: Lars Elleström (Jakobi 2-130) “Media Transformation: The Transfer of Media Characteristics among Media”. List of registered students.

18:00 dinner / Winter School club (registered participants only). Tartu Art Museum, Raekoja plats 18. Exhibition of the works of Malle Leis “Yellow Summer”

06.02, Friday

9:30–10:00 wake up coffee and registration – Jakobi 2 lobby

10:00–10:45 public lecture (Jakobi 2-226)
Ass. Prof. Alexei Yurchak (University of California, Berkeley) “Where did Lenin go? Naked Life of the Leader and Soviet Collapse”
10:45–11:15 discussion, moderator Ass. Prof. Ene Kõresaar

11:15–11:45 coffee break – Jakobi 2 lobby

11:45–12:30 public lecture (Jakobi 2-226)

Ass. Prof. Pärtel Piirimäe (University of Tartu) “’Civilization’ and ’Barbarism’ in early Modern International Law”

12:30–13:00 discussion, moderator Ass. Prof. Marek Tamm

13:00–14:30 lunch (registered participants only)

14:30–16:30 parallel events (registered students only)
Group 1 Alexei Yurchak (Jakobi 2-114) seminar “Bodies of Lenin: the Hidden Science of Communist Sovereignty”. List of registered students.
Group 2: Ümarlaua arutelu Institutsionaalne interdistsplinaarus (Jakobi 2-130) Doktorikooli kokkuvõte (eesti keeles). List of registered students.

19:00 dinner (Athena, Küütri 1)

Deadline for registration by web form is November 24, 2014.List of registered students

The language of the degree course is English. Accommodation and travel costs of GSCSA students will be reimbursed. Accommodation will be arranged by the organizers, travel details will be provided for the participants.

Also join the Winter School Facebook Group!

Programme Director: Prof. Kristin Kuutma, Head of the GSCSA Programme at the University of Tartu
Programme Coordinator: Laura Siragusa (University of Aberdeen), laura.siragusa@ut.ee
General Coordinator: Helen Kästik (University of Tartu), ktkdk@ut.ee
