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Talvekool 2011 “Time and Temporality: Categories, Models and Narratives”

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Degree course co-sponsored by the Estonian Graduate School of Culture Studies and Arts (GSCSA) and the Centre of Excellence in Cultural Theory (CECT)

University of Tartu, January 31 – February 6, 2011,
4 – 6 ECTS credits

The first Winter School of the Estonian Graduate School of Culture Studies and Arts focuses on time and its conceptualization, the categories and typologies applied. Time is a theme that unites individual experience, social dynamics, research fields and disciplinary histories. Temporality represents an aspect common to all research and a concept that provides an opportunity to look for inter- and transdisciplinary connections.

The programme of the Winter School consists of: 1) joint interdisciplinary lectures and seminars conducted by Estonian and guest lecturers; 2) student workshops where graduate participants present and discuss their own research; 3) specialized workshops outside the customary classroom environment.

Programme explanation:
• 4 days of lectures and seminars:
– Lectures: à 60+10 minutes (presentation+discussion). Registered students must attend at least three lectures of the daily set of four. Lectures are open to public.
– Seminars: à 120 minutes. Seminars require previous registration. Students are expected to do preparatory reading in order to participate in the seminars.
– Reading material for seminars is available: http://www.ut.ee/CECT/materials/WS2011/ . Registered participants will receive a username and password from the student coordinator.• 1 day of student workshops:
– Students will be divided into smaller groups.
– Every student has 30 minutes for presentation and discussion.
– Students sharing a workshop are expected to previously study each other’s abstracts.
– At least 2 lecturers will attend per group.
• 1 day of specialized workshops:
– Requires previous registration. Workshops have a quota of participants!

For orientation round the buildings, see the map.
Also see “Eating out in Tartu”

Map (.jpg 0,1Mb).
Monday, January 31
Ülikooli 16-212

10:00-10:10 Introduction by Prof. Kristin Kuutma, Head of the GSCSA Programme at the University of Tartu

10:10-11:20 John E. Toews (Prof., University of Washington, USA)
Multiple Temporalities and Historical Understanding: Thinking Historically within the Postmodern Condition

11:30-12:40 Eva Piirimäe (Dr., University of Tartu, Estonia)
National Identity – an Identification with the Dead?

12:40-13:40 lunch (registered participants only) – Restaurant Entri (Rüütli 9)

13:40-14:50 Grace Davie (Prof., University of Exeter, UK)
Understanding Religion in Modern Europe: the Factors to Take into Account

15:00-16:10 Tiina Ann Kirss (Prof., Tallinn University, University of Tartu, Estonia)
Postcolonial Temporalities

16:10-16:30 coffee break (Ülikooli 16-214)



• John E. Toews Conjuring up the Presence of the Past: Resurrecting the Dead as Partners in Constructing the History of the Present (Ülikooli 18-307)
• Eva Piirimäe Liberal Nationalism and the Duties to the Past (Lossi 3-217)
• Grace Davie Understanding Religion in Modern Europe: the Factors to Take into Account. Comparison of the Religion Situation in Europe and the United States (Ülikooli 16-102)
• Tiina Ann Kirss Temporality and Postcoloniality (Ülikooli 18-228)

19:00-22:00 Reception (registered participants only) – Deutsches Kulturinstitut Tartu (Tartu Saksa Kultuuri Instituut, Kastani 1)
Tuesday, February 1

Ülikooli 16-212

9:00-10:10 Tim Ingold (Prof., University of Aberdeen, UK)
How Do We Know How Old Things Are?

10:20-11:30 Jens Brockmeier (Prof., University of Manitoba, Canada)
Narrative Time Revisited

11:30-12:00 coffee break (Ülikooli 16-214)

12:00-13:10 Andreas Waczkat (Prof., University of Göttingen, Germany)
Concepts of Temporality and Spaciality in Music

13:20-14:30 Krista Kodres (Prof., Estonian Academy of Arts)
Time, Temporality and the Visual Arts

14:30-15:30 lunch (registered participants only) – Restaurant Entri (Rüütli 9)



• Tim Ingold Time and Genealogy (Lossi 3-217)
• Jens Brockmeier Time and Narrative (Ülikooli 18-307)
• Andreas Waczkat Temporality and Musical Analysis: Problems of Time and Structure (Ülikooli 16-102)
• Krista Kodres Time, Temporality and the Visual Arts (Ülikooli 18-228)

20:00-22:00 Film session (optional) at the Estonian National Museum (Kuperjanovi 9)
Disco and Atomic War (Disko ja tuumasõda, Jaak Kilmi 2009, 80′)
Wednesday, February 2

Student workshops

9:30-10:30 2 presentations

10:30-11:00 coffee break (Ülikooli 16-214)

11:00-12:30 3 presentations

12:30-13:30 lunch (registered participants only) – Restaurant Entri (Rüütli 9)

13:30-15:00 3 presentations

15:00-15:30 coffee break (Ülikooli 16-214)

15:30-16:30/17:00 2-3 presentations

Workshop 1: John E. Toews (University of Washington), Marek Tamm (Tallinn University)

Workshop 2: Joep Leerssen (University of Amsterdam), Tiina Ann Kirss (Tallinn University/ University of Tartu), Kristin Kuutma (University of Tartu)

Workshop 3: Andrei Rogatchevski (University of Glasgow), Leena Kurvet-Käosaar (Tallinn University)

Workshop 4: Guido Ipsen (University of Witten-Herdecke/Münster), Krista Kodres (Estonian Academy of Arts)

Workshop 5: Jens Brockmeier (University of Manitoba), Marina Grišakova (University of Tartu)

Workshop 6: Tim Ingold (University of Aberdeen), Helen Sooväli-Sepping (Tallinn University)

Workshop 7: Grace Davie (University of Exeter), Anne Kull (University of Tartu), Eva Piirimäe (University of Tartu)

Workshop 8: Andreas Waczkat (University of Göttingen), Ergo-Hart Västrik (University of Tartu)

19:00-23:00 Board games’ night with snacks (registered participants only) – Kotka Kelder (Pepleri 14)

Thursday, February 3

Ülikooli 16-212

9:00-10:10 Jörn Rüsen (Prof. em., University of Witten-Herdecke, Germany)
The Visibility of History: Bridging the Gap between Historiography and the Fine Arts

10:20-11:30 Guido Ipsen (Prof., University of Witten-Herdecke/Münster, Germany)
Culture-Time and Media-Time: Cognitive Basics, Media Myths and Why the
Computer Screen Is Just Another Cave Wall

11:30-12:00 coffee break (Ülikooli 16-214)

12:00-13:10 Jan Christoph Meister (Prof., University of Hamburg, Germany)
How Real Is Time?

13:20-14:30 Roland Karo (Dr., University of Tartu, Estonia)
Spacetime: Physical and Experiential

14:30-15:30 lunch (registered participants only) – Restaurant Entri (Rüütli 9)



• Jörn Rüsen The Visibility of History: Thinking with the Eyes (Estonian National Museum, lecture hall (Kuperjanovi 9))
• Guido Ipsen Media-Time Reassessed: An Analysis of the Acceleration of Culture (Lossi 3-217)
• Jan Christoph Meister How Time Works in Narratives (Ülikooli 18-228)
• Roland Karo Altered States of Consciousness and Mental Health (Ülikooli 16-102)

20:00-22:00 Animated films’ session (optional, 80′) at the Estonian National Museum (Kuperjanovi 9)

Divers in the Rain (Tuukrid vihmas, Olga ja Priit Pärn 2009, 23′)
Crocodile (Krokodill, Kaspar Jancis 2009, 17′)
Gone with the Wind (Tuulest viidud, Ülo Pikkov 2009, 1,34′)
Dialogos (Ülo Pikkov 2008, 4,50′)
In the Air (Õhus, Martinus Daane Klemet 2009, 8,37′)
Breakfast on the Grass (Eine murul, Priit Pärn 1987, 25′)
Friday, February 4

Ülikooli 16-212

9:00-10:10 Marek Tamm (Dr., Tallinn University, Estonia)
What Is Historical Time, or How Historians Make Sense of Time?

10:20-11:30 Joep Leerssen (Prof., University of Amsterdam, Netherlands)
«Nationalism is the Political Instrumentalization of a Cultural Self-image»:
Imagology and Nationalism Studies

11:30-12:00 coffee break (Ülikooli 16-214)

12:00-13:10 Andrei Rogatchevski (Dr., University of Glasgow, UK)
Concepts of Time in Feature Films

13:20-14:30 Rein Raud (Prof., Tallinn University, Estonia)
The Concept of Time in Asian and European Thought Traditions

14:30-15:30 lunch (registered participants only) – Restaurant Entri (Rüütli 9)



• Marek Tamm History, Time and Historical Time: Some Recent Debates (Lossi 3-217)
• Joep Leerssen The Rise of Literary Historicism and National Consciousness-raising (Ülikooli 18-307)
• Andrei Rogatchevski Concepts of Time in Feature Films (Ülikooli 18-228)
• Rein Raud The Concept of Time in Asian and European Thought Traditions (Ülikooli 16-102)

20:00-00:00 Graduation party – Tartu Students’ Club (Tartu Üliõpilasmaja, Kalevi 24) DJ Berk Vaher
Saturday, February 5

10:00-16:00 5 parallel workshops – require previous registration

Workshop 1: Cultural Memory and the Archive: Selection, Conservation, Transformation
Estonian Literary Museum, Vanemuise 42

Workshop 2: Natural and Cultural Heritage and their Role in the Society
Granö keskus (Villa Tammekann, F. R. Kreutzwaldi 6)

Workshop 3: New Spirituality: Current Approaches to Personal Development and Holistic Therapy
Tartu Toy Museum’s Theatre House, Children´s studio (Lutsu 2, second floor); University of Tartu, Ülikooli 16-102

Workshop 4: Time in the City – Experienced, Mediated or Real?
Ülikooli 18-228

Workshop 5: Time in Arts: Oskar Luts’s “Spring” and its Interpretations
Home museum of writer Oskar Luts (Riia 38)
FILES FOR DOWNLOADING: (last update Feb 03)
Programme (.pdf 0,8Mb)
Lecturers abstracts (.pdf 0,4Mb)
Lecturers of the winter school (.pdf 0,6Mb)
Students abstracts (.pdf 0,9Mb)
Student workshops (.pdf 0,7Mb)
Workshops Feburary 5 (.pdf 0,7Mb)

For students the connecting question for the subtopics of the Winter School and a starting point for their essay is “The treatment of time and temporality in my research”. Interpretation of this subject may emanate from specific questions about their research and its conceptual field of time/temporality, or include aspects of disciplinary history.

Students are expected to:
– Participate in lectures (total 12-16) and seminars (total 4);
– Present their research at the student workshop and study the abstracts of other participants of their workshop for discussion (abstracts will be available on homepage);
– Participate in a specialized workshop;
– Write an essay (in English/ Estonian, 3000 words, by March 14, 2011).
Upon full participation in the study programme and completion of the essay students will be awarded 6 ECTS points (4 ECTS without an essay). The essay will be considered for publication. The language of the course is English.
Instuctions for writing the essay (.pdf 0,4Mb).

Application deadline was November 15, 2010.

A course fee is not required but there will be no reimbursement for accommodation or travel costs except for the students enrolled in the GSCSA programme. More information about accommodation choices will be provided for the participants.

This Winter School forms a thematic sequence with the International CECT Conference “Time in Culture: Mediation and Representation” (Tartu, October 28-30, 2010).

Programme Director: Prof. Kristin Kuutma, Head of the GSCSA Programme at the University of Tartu

Programme Manager: Monika Tasa (University of Tartu), monika.tasa@ut.ee , (+372) 737 6535

Student Coordinator: Helen Kästik (University of Tartu), ktkdk@ut.ee

Programme Assistant: Kristina Hermann (University of Tartu)

CECT home page: http://www.ut.ee/CECT
