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Opera Singer & Musician Career Seminar “How to kickstart your professional career”

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Opera Singer & Musician Career Seminar

How to kickstart your professional career

 Zenaida des Aubris (Berlin)

Eesti Muusika- ja Teatriakadeemia

16.–20. aprillil 2018

Loeng ja seminar / Lecture and seminar

16.04.              16.15–17.45 loeng / lecture A402 (for singers, musicians, composers)

17.04.              16.15–17.45 ja 18.00–19.30 seminar C209 (for doctoral students)

18.04.              12.30–14.00 seminar A202 (for singers, musicians, composers)

19.–20.04.       konsultatsioonid / individual consultation sessions by appointment

Zenaida des Aubris on üle 30 aasta tegutsenud klassikalise muusika mänedžerina nii Ameerikas, Euroopas kui ka Aasias. Oma karjääri alustas ta San Francicso ooperiteatris, ta oli Jean-Pierrre Ponnelle’i ja Lorin Maazeli mänedžer, ooperiprojekti „„Turandot“ Keelatud Linnas“ peadirektor Pekingis, uue Hangzhou Suure teatri esimene intendant Hiinas, Valencia Palau de les Arts kunstiline nõustaja. Viimasel ajal on ta pühendunud noorte lauljate ja muusikute karjäärinõustamisele.

For over 30 years, Zenaida des Aubris has dedicated herself to the management of classical music artists and production of events with a focus on opera, in the United States, Europe and Asia. She was the personal manager of Jean-Pierre Ponnelle and Lorin Maazel, General Project Director of the open air production of Puccini’s “Turandot in the Forbidden City” in Beijing, the first Intendant of the Hangzhou Grand Theater (China). Currently she is dedicating herself to passing on her vast experience of the music business to students and young graduates just starting out on their careers.

Teemad / topics:

Introduction and overview of the opera & classical music industry, especially in Europe

Setting your own personal goals

Essential of presentation

  • Biography, Repertoire, Photos, Audio/Video, Website
  • Examples of each will be provided

Audition preparation

  • CV, Repertoire
  • Presentation

How to get an audition

  • Databases & other resources
  • Best practices

Competitions – is taking part in them valuable to your career. Pros and cons

Agents – are they necessary?

  • Types of agents – managers, PR agents
  • What does an agent actually do
  • How to get an agent
  • How can I tell if an agent is right for me?
  • Financial conditions – commissions vs. retainers
  • What are the alternatives?

Young Artists Programs & other first engagements

How to negotiate your first contract

  • It is not only about fees

Bookkeeping, taxes & deductions

Networking best practices

Social Media – yes or no?

  • Facebook, Instagram & Co.

Self confidence and building your very own brand based on your very own USP =

Unique Selling Position

How to get the press interested in you

  • Give a good interview

Question & Answer period

Individual consultation sessions by appointment

Lisainfo: teadussekretär Aleksandra Dolgopolova aleksandra@ema.edu.ee

professor Kristel Pappel kristel.pappel@gmail.com

Ürituste toimumist toetab Euroopa Liidu Regionaalarengu Fond (Eesti Muusika- ja Teatriakadeemia ASTRA projekt EMTASTRA).
