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Music as the Mediator between Past and Future
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June 1-2, 2012, Tallinn, Estonia
Graduate course of the Estonian Graduate School of Culture Studies and Arts (GSCSA/ EAMT) 2 ECTS credits
The graduate seminar is a part of the international conference „Archaeologies of the Future”of the International Association for Philosophy and Literature (IAPL), which takes place at Tallinn University. More information about the conference is available here
Conference schedule
The central part of the graduate seminar is a symposium on Veljo Tormis`s life and work scheduled for Saturday, 2 June 2012, moderated by Professor Urve Lippus of the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre (EAMT) in Tallinn.
Speakers at the symposium include
Riho Grünthal, University of Helsinki (“Vanishing voices, living sounds: the Finnic language area as a musical landscape”)
Urve Lippus, Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre (“The symbolism of drumming in Veljo Tormis`s music”)
Mimi Daitz, City College/ City University of New York, prof. emeritus (“Texted music that transcends language: a contradiction in the music of Veljo Tormis”)
Jaan Ross, Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre (“Veljo Tormis and minimalism: on reception of his new musical idiom in the 1960s”).
Saturday`s seminar will be preceded by a concert on Friday, 1 June, by the Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir at the Methodist church next to Tallinn University, its program will include works by both Tormis and Tüür.
Requirements for participation
Interested Ph.D. (and advanced M.A.) students (maximum 20) can apply for the seminar by sending a letter of motivation (200-350 words) to dolgopolova.a@gmail.com . Students who are not members of GSCSA are required to add a short CV to specify their education and research interests.
Students taking the seminar may be requested to listen to some talks presented during the IAPL conference earlier that week, to read texts complementary to the Tormis symposium, and to write an essay (ca 6 000 characters, to urveli@eki.ee ), in order to earn the necessary credit points.
The language of the seminar is English.
Participation in the course is free of charge; the accommodation and travel costs of the students of GSCSA will be reimbursed.
PROGRAM (minor changes may occur)
June 1
Venue: Methodist Church, Narva mnt 51
19:30-21:00 Concert of the Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir (Kreek, Saar, Pärt, Tormis, Tüür, Grigorjeva)
21:00 Reception, Methodist church
June 2
Venue: Tallinn University (Uus-Sadama 5), M-213
8.45-9.00 Welcome Coffee
9.00-9.45 Riho Grünthal, Vanishing voices, living sounds: the Finnic language area as a musical landscape
9.45-10.25 Urve Lippus, The symbolism of drumming in Veljo Tormis` music
Coffee Break
10.35-11.15 Mimi Daitz, Texted music that transcends language: a contradiction in the music of Veljo Tormis
11.15-12.00 Jaan Ross, Veljo Tormis and minimalism: on reception of his new musical idiom in 1960s
12:00-14:00 Lunch
Venue: Tallinn Hall, Tallinn University, M-218
14:00-15:30 Erkki-Sven Tüür`s plenary (Kerri Kotta)
Preparatory reading
is available via e-mail for the registered participants:
1. Mimi S. Daitz. 2004. Ancient Song Recovered: The Life and Music of Veljo Tormis. New York. Chapter VI (obligatory), Chapter I (optional).
2. Veljo Tormis, Urve Lippus. 2008. Lauldud sõna/ The word was sung. Tallinn. Pages 95 – 100 (Introduction), 101 – 126 (Discovering the Folk-Song), 151 – 166 (The Story of „The Curse upon Iron”).
3. Kerri Kotta „The various strata in the music of Erkki-Sven Tüür”
4. Kerri Kotta, Erkki-Sven Tüür – 50 – Music in Estonia, 2009/2010, nr 12.
Program director: Jaan Ross ( jaan.ross@ut.ee )
Student coordinator: Aleksandra Dolgopolova ( dolgopolova.a@gmail.com )
Estonian Graduate School of Culture Studies is funded by the European Union Structural Assistance.