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Tracing Futurist Ideologies

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Intensive graduate seminar

„Tracing Futurist Ideologies“
Degree course sponsored by the Estonian Graduate School of Culture Studies and Arts (GSCSA) and Goethe Institut, co-organized by Estonian Arnold Schoenberg Society (EASchÜ). The course will be held within the framework of Pärnu Days of Contemporary Music (January 5–13, 2013).

Pärnu Central Library (Akadeemia 3, Pärnu)

January 11–13, 2013

2–4 ECTS credits

Although historical futurism as an artistic and social movement already expired in the early 1940s, some of its ideas still play an important role in the present culture. The symposium „Tracing Futurist Ideologies“ aims to discuss different phenomena of contemporary culture through the prism of futurist ideologies. Therefore, we encourage lecturers / doctoral students to submit papers which concentrate on the discussion of how the futurist mentality has influenced the present culture and its ideological bases, rather than historical futurism itself.

NB! Registration Deadline extended: 15.12..2012 on web-form

The language of the degree course is English. The accommodation and travel costs of the member students of GSCSA will be reimbursed. Students who are not members of GSCSA are required to send a short CV to specify their education and research interests and a letter of motivation (ca 100 words) to Aleksandra Dolgopolova (dolgopolova.a@gmail.com) by December 15, 2012. Accommodation will be arranged by the organizers, travel details will be provided after acceptance.

ECTS points will be awarded on the following conditions:

Full participation – 2 ECTS

Presenting a paper – 1 ECTS

Completing of publication – 1 ECTS


11 January (Pärnu Central Library, Akadeemia 3)

09.30 Welcome coffee

10.00 – 11.30 Dr. Günter Berghaus (University of Bristol, editor-in-chief of International Yearbook of Futurism): The Futurist Fusion of Art, Life and Politics

11.30 – 13:00 Dr. Edward Venn (Senior Lecturer, Lancaster University): Ghosts in the Machine, and the Machine’s Ghosts: The present pastness of Futurism

13.00 – 14.30 Lunch (Endla teatri kohvik, Keskväljak 1)

14.30 – 17.00 Papers presented by doctoral students:

14.30 – 15.00 Gleb Netchvolodov: Cross, Crescent and Buddha in Shell

15.00 – 15.30 Cristian M.Fischer: Motion Graphic Music Notation

15.30 – 16.00 Arash Yazdani: Music Study of Future. Importance and application of music acoustics on education of music

16.00 – 16.30 Hans-Gunter Lock: „The Art of Noises“ and acoustic conceptions of sound and noise

17.00 – 18.00 Dinner (Endla teatri kohvik, Keskväljak 1)

19.00 Concert: Ansambel U: (Endla teatri KÜÜN, Keskväljak 1). Free entrance

12 January (Pärnu Central Library, Akadeemia 3)

10.00 – 11.30 Dr. Raivo Kelomees(Estonian Academy of Arts, new media): Joined Sensation in Visual Art: an endless attempt to engage audience

11.30 – 13.00 Galina Gubanova (Moskva-Vilnius): Mythological universals in Futurist Theater and commedia dell’arte

13.00 – 14.30 Lunch (Endla teatri kohvik, Keskväljak 1)

14.30 – 17.00 Methodological plenar discussion with all main speakers led by Dr. Tiit Hennoste: “How to analyze the New?”

17.00 – 18.00 Dinner (Endla teatri kohvik, Keskväljak 1)

19:00 Concert: PNP 2013 multimedia performance „Victory over the Sun“ (Pärnu Vanalinna Põhikool, Nikolai 26). Repoo Ensemble, Postinstrumentum, Jumalikud Ilmutused. Free entrance

13 January (Café Grand, Kuninga 25)

11.00 – 13.00 Discussion.

Lecturers and abstracts

Programme Director: Andrus Kallastu (Organizer-in-chief of Pärnu Days of Contemporary Music, EASchÜ)

Programme Coordinators: Kerri Kotta (EASchÜ, EAMT), Gerhard Lock (EASchÜ, TLU/ EAMT)

Student Coordinator: Aleksandra Dolgopolova (GSCSA/ EAMT), dolgopolova.a@gmail.com

Info: KTKDK, http://www.schoenberg.ee

Estonian Graduate School of Culture Studies and Arts is funded by the European Union Structural Assistance.

