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International Conference of Young Philologists

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International Conference of Young Philologists
13-15 February 2014

Tallinn University

The Institute of Slavonic Languages and Cultures at Tallinn University invites students pursuing BA, MA, and PhD degrees in Slavic Languages and Literatures and related fields to participate in the 15th International Conference of Young Philologists
(15. Rahvusvaheline noorfiloloogide konverents / 15 Mezhdunarodnaia konferentsiia molodykh filologov).

The conference will be held in Tallinn 13-15 February 2014.

Topics of the Conference: “Actual problems of Linguistics and Literary Studies”

Conference languages: English, Estonian, Russian. Presentations’ duration: 20 minutes each, excluding time for questions and answers.

Abstracts (up to 300 words) with short personal information summary (full name, date of birth, phone number, university, academic supervisor’s name, scientific interests) should be submitted to the conference committee via email:
mkmf.tlu@gmail.com (Literary Studies)
mkmf.lingv@gmail.com (Linguistics)

Each submission will be sent as an anonymous proposal to the reviewers.

Registration is closed.



Web: http://www.mkmf.net/
E-mail: mkmf.tlu@gmail.com
