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Debating German Heritage: Art History and Nationalism during the Long 19th Century
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Debating German Heritage: Art History and Nationalism during the Long 19th Century
Dates: 27th–28th September 2013
Venue: Suur-Kloostri 11, auditoria 103 and 104, Institute of Art History, Estonian Academy of Arts, Tallinn
Credits: 2–3 ECTS
Hosting institutions: Institute of Art History, Estonian Academy of Arts; Graduate School of Culture Studies and Arts (GSCSA)
Supporters: Estonian Ministry of Education target financing grant no. SF0160047s09; European Union Social Fund.
Programme directors: Ms. Kristina Jõekalda; Prof. Krista Kodres (Estonian Academy of Arts)
Programme manager: Ms. Kristina Jõekalda (kristina.joekalda@artun.ee)
Student coordinator: Ms. Heili Sõrmus (heili.sormus@artun.ee)
This 2-day intensive seminar will focus on the research on heritage and knowledge production that has become a distinct direction in the humanities of recent decades, often intermingled with studies on nationalism. Constructing knowledge (incl. historiography), heritage or nations indeed has many similarities. Moreover, in their present form, the discipline of art history, the institution of heritage protection, and nationalism as such were all born during – or at least strongly affected by – the 19th century. The aim of this seminar would be to take full advantage of the inter- and transnational character of these ideas in the course of the long 19th century, when the national perspectives were only beginning to emerge and today’s state borders did not yet define the objects of research. With a focus on the Baltic region, as well as the heritage of German (medieval) art and architecture elsewhere in (Eastern) Europe, this comparative event seeks to approach questions of dissonance and (dis)inheritance.
Friday 27th September 2013
11.00 Registration and coffee/tea
11.30 Krista Kodres and Kristina Jõekalda (both Estonian Academy of Arts)
Moderator Anneli Randla, Ass. Prof. (Estonian Academy of Arts)
12.00 Winfried Speitkamp, Prof. (University of Kassel), “Heritage Preservation, Nationalism and the Reconstruction of Historical Monuments in Germany during the Long 19th Century”
13.30 Lunch
Moderator Karsten Brüggemann, Prof. (Tallinn University)
14.30 Kristina Jõekalda, MA (Estonian Academy of Arts), “Seeking Baltic German Art: Baltic Identity vs. German Heritage in 19th-Century Art Historiography”
15.15 Mārtiņš Mintaurs, Ass. Prof. (University of Latvia, Riga), “A Heritage for the Public? The Gesellschaft für Geschichte und Altertumskunde in Riga and the Protection of Architectural Monuments in the Baltic Provinces, 1834–1914”
16.00 Coffee/tea
Venue: Kadriorg Art Museum (Weizenbergi 37, Tallinn)
17.00 Tiina-Mall Kreem, Dr. (Art Museum of Estonia), and Linda Lainvoo, MA (Tallinn University; Art Museum of Estonia), excursion at the exhibition “When the Artist Met Clio. Historical Scenes from the 19th Century”
Saturday 28th September 2013
10.00 Registration and coffee/tea
Moderator Krista Kodres, Prof. (Estonian Academy of Arts; Tallinn University)
10.30 Hubert Locher, Prof. (Philipp University of Marburg), “The Canon of Art and the Idea of ‘Cultural Heritage’”
12.00 Coffee/tea
Moderator Jaan Undusk, Dr. (Under and Tuglas Literature Centre; Estonian Academy of Sciences, Tallinn)
12.30 Ulrike Plath, Prof. (Tallinn University; Under and Tuglas Literature Centre, Tallinn), “Baltic German Heimat in the Long 19th Century”
13.15 Liina Lukas, Ass. Prof. (University of Tartu; Under and Tuglas Literature Centre, Tallinn), “Colonization Narratives in the Baltic German Literature. A Postcolonial Approach”
14.00 Lunch
Moderator Piret Peiker, PhD candidate (Tallinn University; University of Turku)
15.00 Kadi Polli, MA (University of Tartu), “The Art Collections of the Baltic Nobility: The Myth and the Essence”
15.45 Marta Filipová, Dr. (University of Wolverhampton), “Writing and Displaying Nations. Constructing Narratives of National Art in Bohemia and Austria Hungary”
Moderator Mart Kalm, Prof. (Estonian Academy of Arts; Estonian Academy of Sciences, Tallinn)
16.30 Discussants: Winfried Speitkamp, Hubert Locher, Krista Kodres, Mārtiņš Mintaurs, Piret Peiker and Jaan Undusk
18.00 Closing reception
Requirements for participation
Graduate students who wish to present a paper on a related topic (30 minutes plus discussion, 3 ECTS) should send a proposal (ca. 600 words) to Kristina Jõekalda (kristina.joekalda@artun.ee) by 1st June 2013.
For all of the participants to benefit from the joint venture, it is encouraged that the speakers would not to go too deep into a very specific case study, but include broader generalisations, drawing parallels with relating (disciplinary) developments and historiography in (central-eastern) Europe, so that there would be more common ground for indeed debating the German heritage in its multiple forms.
Additionally, 15–20 interested graduate students could apply for participation in the seminar by sending a letter of motivation of ca. 200 words to Heili Sõrmus (heili.sormus@artun.ee) by 16th September 2013.
Students who are not members of GSCSA are kindly asked to add a short academic CV to specify their education and research interests.
Upon full participation in the programme and completion of a 2000-word essay (in Estonian or English) related to the topics and reading list of the seminar (deadline 1st November 2013, addressed to heili.sormus@artun.ee) students will be awarded 2 ECTS. (Those who present a paper – 3 ECTS.)
The language of the seminar is English. Students are expected to do preparatory reading in order to participate in the discussions.
Notification of participation will be sent by 23rd September 2013. Participation in the course is free of charge. The accommodation and travel costs of the members of the GSCSA will be reimbursed.
Reading list
1) Rampley, Matthew. „Contested Histories: Heritage and/as the Construction of the Past: An Introduction“. – Heritage, Ideology, and Identity in Central and Eastern Europe: Contested Pasts, Contested Presents. Ed. Matthew Rampley. (Heritage Matters 6.) Woodbridge, Rochester: The Boydell Press, 2012, pp. 1–20.
2) Locher, Hubert. „The Idea of the Canon and Canon Formation in Art History“. – Art History and Visual Studies in Europe: Transnational Discourses and National Frameworks. Eds. Matthew Rampley, Thierry Lenain, Hubert Locher, Andrea Pinotti, Charlotte Schoell-Glass, Kitty Zijlmans. (Brill’s Studies in Intellectual History 212; Brill’s Studies on Art, Art History, and Intellectual History 4.) Leiden, Boston: Brill Academic Publishers, 2012, pp. 29–40.
3) Speitkamp, Winfried. „Einleitung: Denkmalpflege und Staat“; „Zivilisationskritik und Heimatidee“. – Speitkamp, Winfried. Die Verwaltung der Geschichte. Denkmalpflege und Staat in Deutschland 1871–1933. (Kritische Studien zur Geschichtswissenschaft 114.) Göttingen: Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, 1996, pp. 11–53.
4) Plath, Ulrike. „Einleitung“ [excerpts]; „Im kolonialen Zerrspiegel“ . – Plath, Ulrike. Esten und Deutsche in den baltischen Provinzen Russlands: Fremdheitskonstruktionen, Lebenswelten, Kolonialphantasien 1750–1850. (Veröffentlichungen des Nordost-Instituts 11.) Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2011, pp. 11–15 and 25–26; 262–285.
Please find the reading materials here