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Accelerationalism and Capitalist Realism

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Accelerationalism and Capitalist Realism

Dates and time: 22-23 May 2015 at 14.00-17.00 and 25-26 May 2015 at 12.00-15.00

Venue: Suur-Kloostri 11, auditorium S-104, Institute of Art History, Estonian Academy of Arts, Tallinn

Credits: 3 ECTS

Language of the course: English

Hosting Institutions: Estonian Academy of Arts; Graduate School of Culture Studies and Arts (GSCSA)

Supporter: European Union Social Fund, Estonian Academy of Arts

Programme director: Prof dr Krista Kodres (krista.kodres@artun.ee)

Programme manager: Ms Ingrid Ruudi (ingrid.ruudi@artun.ee)

Student coordinator: Ms. Heili Sõrmus (heili.sormus@artun.ee)

Guest lecturer: Prof dr Irit Rogoff, the founder and professor of the Department of Visual Cultures at the Goldsmiths University of London. Her broad field of research comprises visual culture, contemporary art and critical theory, postcolonialism, globalization, geography, education and gender politics. “Terra Infirma: Geography’s Visual Culture” (2000), “Museum Culture: Histories, Discourses, Spectacles” (koos Daniel J. Shermaniga, 2004) and “Visual Cultures as Seriousness” (in cooperation with Gavin Buttiga, 2013) can be brought out as some of her most important books. In addition to writing, she is a recognized curator. She is the head of the doctoral programme in curating at the Goldsmiths University of London.

Reading materials (password for the reading materials will be provided by Heili Sõrmus upon registration for the course)

Requirements for participation

Reading the required texts is the prerequisite for participating in the course. Interested graduate students can apply for the course by e-mail by 15 May 2015 at heili.sormus@artun.ee

Participation in the course is free of charge. The accommodation and travel costs of the members of the GSCSA will be reimbursed.

The event is supported by the European Union through the European Social Fund (Estonian Graduate School of Culture Studies and Arts)
